used to confirm a diagnosis when a particular condition is suspected based on physical signs and symptoms. Diagnostic testing can be performed before birth or at any time

Genetic Ancestry Testing

Are you interested in Genetic ancestry testing?

Are you curious and want to connect with your heritage?

Well, now you can trace your lineage across hundreds of generations with the help of GPS Origins and DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC).

Genetic Ancestry testing like no other!!! 

More comprehensive than most other tests on the market, giving you an in-depth look at your family’s past.

With our unique algorithm and easy to read report, you’ll:

  • get a full breakdown of your gene pool
  • trace your ancestry across hundreds of generations.
  • gain insights into your ethnic groupings and historical background (, including regions and time periods)
  • plots your ancestor’s migration paths across the globe (focus on where your ancestors gathered to create your unique genes, rather than focusing on ethnic or racial groups)

We’re happy to collaborate with DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) which has operations in Egypt with GDC in Cairo.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable and comprehensive DNA test, we’ve got you covered.

Results are typically available within 4-6 weeks, and our friendly customer service team is always here to answer any questions you have.

If you’re interested in learning more about your ancestry and family history, give us a call and we’ll get everything ready for you! All you have to do is show up to the appointment.

But why? This blog will help you understand what it takes to plan a medical trip abroad, for more information contact us

You can contact with us  to provide you with the highest quality doctors, take a look at our Testimonials 


We follow- up with you even after you return back to your home country, We even have remote follow-up services


I’m glad to inform you that, we have specialized doctors and they speak many languages (Arabic – English – Italian – German)

Know more

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