Frequently Asked Questions

Based on the new results, the answer seems to be that changes in voice quality do occur after rhinoplasty

بناءً على النتائج الجديدة ، يبدو أن الإجابة هي أن التغييرات في جودة الصوت تحدث بعد عملية تجميل الأنف

BBl last for decades without the need for additional procedures.

يستمر لعقود دون الحاجة إلى إجراءات إضافية.

nonsurgical treatment

These types of nonsurgical brow lifts may come in the form of injections, such as Botox and dermal fillers

العلاج غير الجراحي

قد تأتي هذه الأنواع من شد الحاجب غير الجراحي في شكل حقن ، مثل البوتوكس والحشو الجلدي

Before traveling to Egypt, you should pay 30% of the package total amount. This payment will cover all the arrangements previous to the arrival, to provide you with a safe and comfortable stay in the country. The remaining 70% should be paid before the surgery.

You may share your medical reports either on our website or by emailing us on OR  via WhatsApp on +20-1128821002

After arm lift surgery, patients should sleep on their backs rather than on their stomachs or on their sides

بعد جراحة شد الذراعين يجب أن ينام المرضى على ظهورهم وليس على بطونهم أو على جوانبهم

sleep with the head of the bed elevated for the first week after surgery as sleeping on your side is not recommended as it could cause discomfort to your surgery site.

النوم مع رفع رأس السرير في الأسبوع الأول بعد الجراحة حيث لا ينصح بالنوم على جانبك لأنه قد يسبب إزعاجًا لموقع الجراحة.

  • Avoid extreme physical activity
  • -Swimming is not allowed for 4-6 weeks
  • Don't be concerned if the ears show some swelling
  • keep ears dry
  • Use care not to bend or hit your ears when brushing or styling your hair

تجنب النشاط البدني المفرط
-لايسمح بالسباحة لمدة 4-6 اسابيع
لا تقلق إذا ظهرت على الأذنين بعض التورم
تبقي الأذنين جافة
احرص على عدم ثني أذنيك أو ضربهما عند تصفيف شعرك بالفرشاة

Hair transplant implements hair to the areas where your hair is thinning or is bald. Your healthy hair follicles are collected from your donor area (where you have hair) and transplanted into the recipient areas where hair is needed. Hair transplant offers a permanent solution to the hair loss problem.

After the operation and during the period of convalescence and recovery, each patient will be seen at least twice by the surgeon.

Egypt Med International will provide a trained nurse who will carry out all post operation care. We will also provide you with the medication prescribed by your surgeon after the operation. Stitches will be removed before departure. For certain operations, it is not always necessary to remove them. After the operation, your surgeon will give you the advice to follow for you to obtain the best aesthetic results from your surgery. If need be, Egypt Med International and your surgeon will indicate doctors or surgeons in your own country who will provide follow up.Your surgeon and Egypt Med International are always available to answer any queries