Frequently Asked Questions

During the thigh lift process, the surgeon removes excess skin while tightening the restو which creates smoother and shapelier thighs and improves the appearance of cellulite. And  In some cases, it can even make cellulite disappear.

أثناء عملية شد الفخذين ، يقوم الجراح بإزالة الجلد الزائد مع شد الباقي ، مما يجعل الفخذين أكثر نعومة وشكلًا ويحسن مظهر السيلوليت. وفي بعض الحالات ، يمكن أن يجعل السيلوليت يختفي.

placing implants may help to fill loose breast skin and create a more lifted appearance and natural breast shape without the need for a lift.

قد يساعد وضع الغرسات على ملء جلد الثدي المترهل وخلق مظهر أكثر شدًا وشكلًا طبيعيًا للثدي دون الحاجة إلى رفع.

Breast implants don't cause breast cancer. They don't raise your chances of breast cancer

لا تسبب زراعة الثدي سرطان الثدي. لا تزيد من فرص الإصابة بسرطان الثدي

It is known that gastric sleeve improves and cures the symptoms of type 2 diabetes for some patients. The research shows that for some patients, blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels go back to normal after gastric sleeve surgery.

English is widely spoken throughout the country. Our affiliated hospitals’ surgeons and supportive staff are well versed in English. However, if you don’t speak Arabic, The Circle Care will organize the service of a language translator, as of your choice, who will be with you from picking up at the airport and will help you to communicate effectively during the treatment process till dropping back to the airport, at no extra cost.

On the contrary, it would be more expensive as the hospitals offer us special rates which are then passed on to the end user