Frequently Asked Questions

You would require to carry the following documents

  • Original passport,
  • 5 passport sized photographs of the patient and attendant
  • Previous medical report

All foreigners must get PCR vaccinated prior to applying for the Visa and must produce genuine & valid one at the Visa Counter at the Egyptian  airport or check-post of entry.

1- Fat is removed from the areas that have extra fat.
2- The extracted fat is purified and prepared for transfer.
3-inject the fat into specific points on the buttocks

1- يتم إزالة الدهون من المناطق التي بها دهون زائدة.
2- يتم تنقية الدهون المستخرجة وتحضيرها للنقل.
3-يحقن الدهون في نقاط معينة في الأرداف

Language is not a problem.

From your first contact with us you will have available bilingual personnel that will help you permanently throughout the process. Once you arrive to the airport , one of our bilingual team members will be waiting for you and will help you in all the activities during your trip.

If the patient has prepaid the initial 30% of the value of the treatment, he/she can ask for the treatment/surgery to be programmed again on a later time. Egypt Med International will keep the initial quote for a period of three months.

After this period, Egypt Med International reserves the right to perform a new price quote on the initial package offered.

If a patient needs to prolong his/her stay in Egypt due to recommendation of the Egypt Med International medical team, Egypt Med International is prepared to prolong the stay without any problem and the hotel cost per day will be exactly the same as previously arranged for prior days. If additional therapies and medicines are required the patient will be responsible of these costs. If the patient would like to prolong his/her stay in Egypt for tourism reasons, we can also help with all the logistics. Finally if the patient wishes to leave Egypt earlier than planned, he should be authorized by the assigned surgeon/physician. If regardless of the recommendations of our surgical team, the patient insists in leaving earlier than planned, Egypt Med International will not be responsible for the consequences.

In Egypt, the law requires all patients to sign an agreement to state that he/she will undergo surgery on his/her own free will. If any problems arise and the treatment needs to be changed, the physician will inform you of your options so you will be able to make the best decision. If for some reason you are not able to make a decision, the physician will discuss the matter with the person you have assigned as your guardian. You will be kept informed at all times and, if necessary, we will offer you the possibility of asking for a second opinion from another professional. Although complications are rare, they are possible and it is very important you are abreast on all complications and side effects. At Egypt Med International, we strive to avoid any and all complications. However, in the event of something, please know that we will do everything possible to eliminate the complication to the best of our ability.

post-op swelling can linger much longer than necessary. Your results will look better overall. Compression helps your skin contract to its new contours, which is especially important for optimal liposuction results.

يمكن أن يستمر التورم بعد العملية لفترة أطول بكثير من اللازم. ستبدو نتائجك أفضل بشكل عام. يساعد الضغط بشرتك على التقلص إلى خطوطها الجديدة ، وهو أمر مهم بشكل خاص للحصول على نتائج شفط الدهون المثلى.

removing some skin in the lower abdomen without incising around the belly button or tightening the muscles above the belly button

إزالة بعض الجلد في أسفل البطن دون شق حول السرة أو شد العضلات الموجودة فوق السرة

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging or deflated-looking breasts.

رفع الثدي هو إجراء جراحي يرفع ويعيد تشكيل الثدي المترهل أو المنكمش.

A hair transplant is not generally advised for men under the age of 21. This is because:

The pattern and progression of hair loss have usually not been fully revealed at this early age
Hair loss may continue on other areas of the scalp, the patient may need other hair transplant treatments in the future
Recurring hair transplant may weaken the donor areas

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