Frequently Asked Questions


Would request you to send your medical query to on our website or by emailing us on OR via WhatsApp on +20-1128821002, our case manager will get in touch with you and hand hold you at every step

If you are not satisfied, we will arrange a second opinion, free of cost 

CIRCLE CARE contracted surgeons will advise you the post-operation instructions after you have had your operation in Egypt.

Some of the post-operation instructions can be:
-Recovery time lasts approx. one week for minor surgeries and two weeks for combined surgery.
-After the operation, you may want to drink fluids. Drink water as water will help your body rid of the medications that you have taken during the surgery.
-Your doctor prescribes you painkillers. These painkillers will help you manage the pain.
-You should not do sports or lift for 6 weeks after surgery.
-Drainage tubes will be placed underneath the skin at the time of surgery.
-After the surgery, the medical team will instruct you how to care for the drains.
-After the surgery, you will wear a compression garment. This garment will lower the possibility to experience swellings.

CIRLCE CARE contracted surgeons will advise you the pre-operation instructions before you have your  operation in Egypt
Some of the pre-operation instructions can be:
-You should stop smoking two weeks before the operation.
-You should stop using blood thinners and aspirin before the surgery.
-You should eat healthy food and follow a well-balanced diet.
-If you have medical issues like diabetes, high or low blood pressure, you need to inform your doctor in advance.

It's possible to undergo cosmetic nose surgery at virtually any age as long you're in good overall health.

من الممكن الخضوع لجراحة تجميل الأنف في أي عمر تقريبًا ما دمت تتمتع بصحة عامة جيدة.

Besides the preliminary consultation of your file offered by Egypt Med International, we recommend that you consult one or two surgeons of your choice in your own country before taking your decision

During your arm lift recovery, it's common to have some discomfort. You may experience soreness, swelling, and some bruising

أثناء فترة التعافي من عملية شد الذراع ، من الشائع الشعور ببعض الانزعاج. قد تشعر بألم وتورم وبعض الكدمات

If you've had a significant weight loss or weight fluctuations, you'll likely see this result, it gets rid of the excess, sagging skin and fat that spans from elbow to armpit

إذا كنت تعاني من خسارة كبيرة في الوزن أو تقلبات في الوزن ، فمن المحتمل أن ترى هذه النتيجة ، فهي تتخلص من الجلد الزائد المترهل والدهون التي تمتد من الكوع إلى الإبط

If the underside of your upper arms is sagging or appear loose and full due to excess skin, this procedure may be right for you.

إذا كان الجزء السفلي من ذراعيك العلوي مترهلًا أو يبدو مرتخيًا وممتلئًا بسبب الجلد الزائد ، فقد يكون هذا الإجراء مناسبًا لك.

Eyelid surgery is among the least painful cosmetic procedure also you'll have a quick recovery and see the results immediately

تعد جراحة الجفن من أقل الإجراءات التجميلية إيلامًا ، كما ستتمتع بالشفاء السريع وترى النتائج على الفور