Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have provided your present condition including medical history and reports, the information will be reviewed and examined by the specialists of affiliated hospitals, accordingly will get back to you with total estimate of your treatment.

If you require any additional/ specific services, we can also communicate any additional costs beforehand, so there are no financial surprises for you

The cost of hair transplant in Turkey varies depending on the clinic and the hair transplant method. Turkey offers a very high-quality hair transplant for affordable costs. On average, hair transplant in Turkey is 80% cheaper compared to hair transplant in the UK.

Breast reduction isn't a weight loss procedure, but the amount of tissue removed may range from minimum two pounds to maximum seven or eight pounds.

إن تصغير الثدي ليس إجراءً لإنقاص الوزن ، ولكن قد تتراوح كمية الأنسجة التي يتم إزالتها من رطلين كحد أدنى إلى سبعة أو ثمانية أرطال كحد أقصى.

The extent of your weight loss after gastric sleeve depends on a variety of factors such as your diet, exercise, lifestyle, and commitment to post-op care. The size of your new stomach is also another important factor determining the amount of weight loss. If you follow your post-op care and stick to your new lifestyle, you can expect to lose between 60%-70% of your excess weight as a result of your gastric sleeve surgery.

More often than not, a rhinoplasty procedure will result in little to no pain at all.

في أغلب الأحيان ، تؤدي عملية تجميل الأنف إلى ألم بسيط أو معدوم على الإطلاق.

we recommend waiting 3 to 6 months after a tooth extraction to allow the area to fully heal.

نوصي بالانتظار من 3 إلى 6 أشهر بعد قلع السن للسماح للمنطقة بالتعافي التام.

You can consult with your local doctor. Our team can arrange for a tele/video call with our  experts and your local doctors on a time and date convenient to all of you.

Also a full medical report , with all medical details and protocols will be with you.

  • Sleep in a Comfortable Position
  • Drink water
  • Don't Lift Anything
  • Quit smoking
  • Rest but don't forget to walk slowly during the day

نم في وضع مريح
اشرب ماء
لا ترفع أي شيء
الإقلاع عن التدخين
استرح ولكن لا تنس المشي ببطء أثناء اليوم

Yes, our team will be present at the airport to receive you.

Following consultation with us, we will accommodate all special requirements where-ever possible. Please let us know of your requirements in advance, so that we can make appropriate arrangements for you.