Frequently Asked Questions

Brow lifts are suitable for those who have low, “hooded” brows or who have noticed a sagging of the brow area

رفع الحاجب هي عملية مناسبة لمن لديهم حواجب منخفضة أو "مغطاة" أو الذين لاحظوا ترهل منطقة الحاجب

Fat will not return if the patient maintains their post- liposuction weight

لن تعود الدهون إذا حافظ المريض على وزنه بعد شفط الدهون

No. The research shows that gastric sleeve surgery may reverse the effects of aging. When you feel comfortable in your body, then you feel better about yourself, be happy!

No. It is the opposite. The research reveals that obese people who undergo gastric sleeve surgery improves life expectancy by reducing the risk of some serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart problems, type 2 diabetes.

A hair transplant is a safe treatment as long as it is performed by a qualified team. There might be some minor side effects such as temporary swelling and achiness on your scalp. This is nothing to worry about. You will be provided with medication after your hair transplant in case you experience any minor side effects.

Local anesthesia will be all that's needed to get through the implant placement part of the procedure without any pain.

سيكون التخدير الموضعي هو كل ما هو مطلوب لاجتياز جزء وضع الزرع من الإجراء دون أي ألم.

Absolutely not, Egypt has one of the best qualified doctors in each and every field with success rate comparable to the west. The low cost can be attributed to several reasons like lower costs of operations, favorable currency conversion against the dollar and also the high population helps the hospitals to spread their cost across various patients.

The true root cause of male gynecomastia is insulin resistance. Every time you eat carbohydrates, they enter your digestive system and are broken down into sugars called glucose

السبب الحقيقي لتثدي الرجل هو مقاومة الأنسولين. في كل مرة تأكل فيها الكربوهيدرات ، تدخل الكربوهيدرات إلى جهازك الهضمي وتتحول إلى سكريات تسمى الجلوكوز

Egypt Med International has the most experienced team of Egyptian surgeons and doctors.

Nipples have smooth muscle which erect the nipples when a woman is feeling cold of stimulated. However, sometimes sensation to the nipples can change after breast surgery.

الحلمات لها عضلات ملساء تقوي الحلمات عندما تشعر المرأة بالبرودة من التحفيز. ومع ذلك ، في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن يتغير الإحساس في الحلمتين بعد جراحة الثدي.