Frequently Asked Questions

There is no expiration date on the results of breast reduction surgery, but as part of a living, breathing body, breasts change over time

لا يوجد تاريخ لصلاحية نتائج جراحة تصغير الثدي ، ولكن كجزء من الجسم الحي والتنفس ، يتغير الثدي بمرور الوقت

facelift results can be some of the most natural looking of any cosmetic procedure.

يمكن أن تكون نتائج شد الوجه من أكثر النتائج طبيعية لأي إجراء تجميلي.

As the implanted hair is immune to fall, the hair provided with hair transplant lasts forever. However, the rest of your hair (except the donor area) may fall naturally. That’s why we request our patients to watch their hair fall and confirm that their hair fall is on a slow pace to ensure the best results after their hair transplants.

One week is the minimum period indispensable for correct post operatory care If I have to be accompanied, who pays for this? If you wish to be accompanied by a member of your family or a friend, they come at their own expense. Can I undergo two or three operations at the same time? If you wish to carry out several operations at the same time, your surgeon will confirm what is feasible and how much time is necessary. You can save up to 40% on two operations in the same specialty.

Most countries are exempted from Egyptian visa.

Otherwise, Yes, you would need a medical visa since your purpose of travel to Egypt is for medical reasons. Please send us scanned copies of the passports of the patient and his/her attendant so that we can issue the visa facilitation/invitation letter at the earliest, which will enable you to get a medical visa.

All our network hospitals accept major national and international credit and debit cards. Payments can be made via bank transfer as well. Details for bank transfer will be shared with you as and when needed.

No, we do not charge any fees from our patients who use our services. All payments need to be made directly to the hospital.

many of people who had nose jobs early on, found that over time their nose was collapsing. These changes may take 10, 15, of 20 years to start showing

اكتشف العديد من الأشخاص الذين خضعوا لعمليات تجميل الأنف في وقت مبكر أن أنفهم بدأت تنهار بمرور الوقت. قد تستغرق هذه التغييرات 10 ، 15 ، من 20 عامًا لبدء الظهور

Like all surgical scars, scars will never go away completely, but most patients feel they are well worth the benefits of achieving the smooth and flat abdominal contour they desire

مثل جميع الندبات الجراحية ، لن تختفي الندوب تمامًا ، ولكن يشعر معظم المرضى أنها تستحق فوائد تحقيق محيط البطن الأملس والمسطّح الذي يرغبون فيه.

Any weight loss that occurs after BLL will result in a reduction of body fat across your entire body.

أي خسارة في الوزن بعد عملية رفع المؤخرة البرازيلية ستؤدي إلى تقليل دهون الجسم في جميع أنحاء الجسم.