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Coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease), is a very common heart diseases illness in which the flow of blood to the heart is restricted where decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack.
Of course, there are several ways you can reduce the risk of suffering from this pain but first let’s get to know some useful information about coronary artery disease.

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What are the main symptoms of coronary artery disease?
Symptoms of coronary artery failure may seem like normal symptoms, but you must visit a doctor and pay attention if the following recur
– Angina
– Dizziness.
– Weakness.
– Discomfort felt in the left shoulder, arms, neck, back or jaw
– Cold sweat.
– shortness of breath
– Fatigue

What causes heart disease?
– Smoking
– Excess weight and obesity
– Diabetes
– Family history of heart disease.
– High cholesterol

Can coronary artery disease be cured?
Unfortunately, coronary heart disease cannot be cured but it does not have to be a deathly illness. Especially with early diagnosis and the right treatment, which help to reduce the chances of problems such as heart attacks.

Here are some advice that will help you avoid coronary heart disease
– Exercise:  keep your activity level high
– Do not smoke
– Stop drinking Or at least Limit alcohol
– eat healthy and get heart-healthy diet


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