The Circle Care

cold peeling at the circle care

Chill Out: Exploring the Magic of Cold Peeling for Even Skin Tone

Cold peeling to even out your skin tone, the magic solution

Aesthetic techniques are increasing day by day, one of these techniques is Cold peeling, but what is it? What are the benefits and harms of cold peeling? However, what you are inquiring about, you’ll find the answers in the following blog.

What is cold peeling?

A non-surgical procedure that aims to remove the damaged surface layer of skin to reveal the healthier and younger layer. This technique also affects the middle layer, making it produce more collagen, which contributes to improving the appearance of the skin and alleviating some of its problems.

What are its benefits and harms of cold peeling?

First, the benefits:

  • Reducing the severity of fine lines and wrinkle.
  • Unify skin tone and rid it of hyper-pigmentation.
  • Minimizing wide pores, which is more prominent to people with oily skin.
  • Stimulating collagen production in the skin to make it look fresher and younger.
  • Reducing dark spots and skin sun damage.
  • Reducing acne scars.
  • Reducing age spots.

Secondly, the drawbacks:

  • Redness, itching and pain
  • Infection (if there is any open wound)
  • Changes in skin color

What are the most important steps of cold peeling?

The procedure includes a set of steps, as doctors recommend undergoing a cold peeling session for a period ranging from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the type of peeling cream used in the process.

The session is performed in two steps

The first step:

It takes place in the medical center under the supervision of a dermatologist or cosmetologist, where the peeling cream is applied on the surface of the skin. The patient is given instructions that must be followed after returning home.

This stage constitutes 75% of the treatment journey.

The second step:

It is usually done at home, and it represents 25% of the treatment journey, as the patient applies the home peeling routine according to the prescribed dosage.

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