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Fight breast sagging naturally

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Breast sagging – nipples point downward, and you want to fell more self-confidence and boost your self-image, what about breast lift? contact us for more information

A breast lift won’t change the size of your breasts it will change the shape of your breasts. However, it can be done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction.

Causes of breast sagging

  • Number of pregnancies

After pregnancy, whether the mother resorts to breastfeeding her children or not, the breast size increases and then returns to its normal size again. Which causes sagging

  • Smoking

Smoking in general and over time causes the skin to lose its natural elasticity

  • Age

Breast sagging is normal with age

During a breast lift

  • excess skin is removed
  • stretched out skin
  • breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts
  • raising the nipple & areola into a more forward position

creating an overall better proportioned, natural looking breast.

– To get the best result for breast lift you might need to stop smoking, Avoid certain medications and to Be at a healthy weight.
Also, you can’t do breast lift if you are considering pregnancy at any point in the future

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