“Botox injection or a needle for vaginismus – حقن البوتوكس أو إبرة للتشنج المهبلي” has been added to your cart.
“Filler for sensitive area – فيلر للمناطق الحساسة” has been added to your cart.
“Inflating the sensitive area with fillers – نفخ المنطقة الحساسة بالحشوات” has been added to your cart.
“Laser vaginal tightening – تضييق المهبل بالليزر” has been added to your cart.
“Narrowing the vagina with cosmetic sutures – تضييق المهبل بالخيوط التجميلية” has been added to your cart.
“Non-Surgical Uterine Prolapse Treatment” has been added to your cart.
“Plasma injection – حقن البلازما” has been added to your cart.