This section offers advanced hair restoration services, including FUE hair transplants, beard and eyebrow transplants, and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments. These procedures are designed to address hair loss and enhance hair density, catering to both men and women.
ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES-below 200 USD, BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
2 week Hair program
Premier Care: to treat hair fall, voids appearing and weak hair also give hair shinning and nourishment. package include 6 different treatments: Vitamin Drips, injection therapy with Collagen, Filler during…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
(channels are opened to place the grafts taken. These channels can be opened with different equipment. In diamond fue: hair transplantation, cutting-edge diamond blades are used). Package includes: Procedure for…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
HAIR TRANSPLANTATION WITH ACTIVE STEM CELL- زراعة الشعر بالخلايا الجذعية النشطة
( It is a method applied by injecting the taken stem cells after the operation and activating the hair follicles)Package include: Procedure for 2 days, transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين
DHI+SAPIR and SLIT . Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow…
BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES-below 200 USD, BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال, WINTER IN EGYPT-الشتاء في مصر
PRP (prp+mesotherapy) –
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين
Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow, follow up consultation(plane ticket not…
BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, EGYPT WELLNESS 360-مصر العافية 360, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال, WINTER IN EGYPT-الشتاء في مصر
stem cell therapy + prp. Package includes: Procedure for 2 days,transportation in Istanbul, 3 nights lodging, Translator, follow up medications and the first wash: shampoo and special lotion, neck pillow,…
ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES-below 200 USD, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, REVIVE IV SUPPLEMENTS-حلول الإمداد الكاملة بواسطة IV, ROYAL CHECKUP-فحوصات لجميع الفئات العمرية, WINTER IN EGYPT-الشتاء في مصر
Vitaboost (Antioxidant Booster)
*Our Glutathione injection is an anti-aging wellness booster shot that helps to fight the signs of aging and reverse the effects of free radicals.
إن حقن الجلوتاثيون الخاص بنا هو جرعة معززة لمكافحة… -
BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, BODY RECOVERY: KNEES & JOINTS-الركبتين والمفاصل, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, REVIVE IV SUPPLEMENTS-حلول الإمداد الكاملة بواسطة IV, ROYAL CHECKUP-فحوصات لجميع الفئات العمرية, WINTER IN EGYPT-الشتاء في مصر
Vitamin B12 (Antioxidant booster)
B12 iv drip: Improves Metabolism and Supports Weight Loss. …
Helps Against Anxiety and Depression. …
Increases Red Blood Cells. …
Healthier Hair, Skin, and Nails. …
Slows Down Memory Loss. …
Strengthens Immune System…. -
ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES-below 200 USD, BEAUTY AND WELLNESS الجمال والعافية, HAIR TRANSPLANT-زراعة الشعر/اللحية/الحاجبين, MEN COMBO PACKAGES-مجموعات كومبو للرجال لتحقيق الكمال
برنامج الشعر لمدة أسبوعين
بريميير كير: لعلاج تساقط الشعر وظهور الفراغات وضعف الشعر يمنح الشعر لمعاناً وتغذية، تتضمن العبوة 6 علاجات مختلفة: فيتامين قطرات، العلاج بالحقن بالكولاجين، فيلر خلال أسبوعين (جلستين)