OUR SERVICES “Excellent patient service and aftercare”

At The Circle Care Facilitator, patients are served with excellent service. Our team is always available and ready to answer your questions about treatment in EGYPT.

After you return to your home country, our Case Managers will contact you regularly to guarantee 100% satisfaction.

 In addition to excellent results, all the necessary transportation, sightseeing programs and accommodation will be arranged for you in the Cairo center, East coast/red sea and Upper Egypt. We also offer all-day care for aftercare and during the recovery phase in the hotel.

OUR TEAM “Best service guarantee”

The Circle Care Facilitator- Case Managers are the First point of contact for Arabic/French and English-speaking international patients in MENA region, who will Interview patients about their medical condition(s) and understand their medical needs, then Arrange the online consultation with the specialist, and always be with the patient during care and aftercare follow up.