Inflammation revealed – 3 surprising hidden causes.
Today we’re gonna talk about the three hidden causes of inflammation And for more information, contact us
Of all the medications sold in the u.s. even worldwide. it’s the anti-inflammatories that dominate, because so many people are taking meds for inflammation more than any other condition.
cortisol, is an adrenal hormone and it is the hormone in the body that is supposed to stop inflammation. it’s supposed to inhibit inflammatory conditions.
now think about any condition that involves inflammation whether it’s autoimmune or just pain and inflammation in genera. They always use prednisone, cortisol cream, cortisone injections, it’s all cortisol but of course it’s synthetic and yes it comes with a package, but the point is that cortisol stops inflammation.
Now if that is true then chronic inflammatory conditions must be a state of low cortisol. Right? makes a logical sense but if that’s true how do you explain all the people who have arthritis serious inflammation they go get tested and they have high cortisol or normal cortisol?
I mean look at the sip encyclopedia medical illustrations endocrine system volume four on page 84..
there’s a condition called Cushing’s syndrome. This is a very common condition it’s in a situation where you have too much cortisol.
I’m just going to go through the symptoms.
- belly fat you have major inflammation throughout the body
- you have sleep problems
- high blood pressure
- gastric acidity
- heartburn
- you have a lowered immune system
- excessive thoughts
cortisol resistance
In which the receptor for cortisol is downgraded. In other words, it doesn’t receive that well anymore. so, we have the adrenal gland that produces cortisol, it’s supposed to go into a receptor and if there’s too much of that hormone being pumped out because the person is under chronic stress whatever, then the receptor is going to downgrade and protect the body against the excess amount of course. all because it’s not good for the body to have too much cortisol.
your side effects let me just look at prednisone the side effects from prednisone it’s like it’s crazy. So, the body will protect itself especially the inside of the cell and certain delicate tissues, by creating resistance, the problem is then that blocks the return communication the negative feedback loop and so now the adrenal doesn’t get the message that disconnected, so the body keeps making more and more cortisol.
now we have a situation where we have certain parts of the body that have a low cortisol and other parts of the body that have high cortisol.
this explains the confusion people have because the symptoms for high are almost identical to the symptoms with low.
Addison’s disease
which is very rare where your basically your adrenals aren’t functioning anymore and you’re very thin your skin becomes tan or darker, but you have very serious right can’t fight it serious immune problems.
but the point is that when you have too much cortisol it can produce a state where you get a lot of chronic inflammation. Why? because you develop the resistance in the cell
Now what I want to talk about is what causes this cortisol resistance.
- it’s chronic stress. and I want to increase your awareness and what that means it could also be being lonely for a long period of time that can increase cortisol or having lost sense.
- A loss of a loved one or a threatened loss. I mean when my son was six months old, he developed infantile botulism.
- you have losses, you have surgeries, trauma, mental stress especially if you’re not exercising, no sleep.
I remember myself I had 12 years where I did not sleep very well there was nights, I didn’t sleep for one minute I stayed up all that long. So that actually really wore out my adrenals in fact that’s why I’m doing this blog right now because I had this condition. The point is that there are all these triggers that can happen, and a lot of people have chronic stress and that creates this problem right here and eventually they develop chronic inflammation in the NIP road on a medication. here’s the problem, when you lose the function of course all you also lose the control of your immune system. you become more susceptible to viruses; viruses go in like a rocket ship. and that leads me to another cause of inflammation and that’s a (chronic infection.)
what I’m going to recommend is:
Take a natural herbal antibiotic than an actual antibiotic because you’re gonna just make the problem worse over time.
now a lot of times these crossovers you can have a problem of cortisol and problem with infections or problem with infections and can stress out the adrenals and cause high levels of cortisol, but when you lose the adrenal function, and you can have high cortisol and it’s just not working you open the door for viruses and also you can open the door for getting autoimmune diseases.
it’s nearly always related to some stress event that comes right before that autoimmune, now that you’re trying with that let’s talk about the third cause of inflammation which is basically (insulin resistance).
insulin resistance is the condition where you’re producing too much insulin, that excess amount causes a lot of inflammation in the body plus the fact that this is triggered by your high carbohydrate diet and your frequency of eating. So, if you eat too frequently and you have too many carbs you are going to eventually get inflammation
what you need to do is get on a program to reduce your carbs and do in a minute fasting there’s a link down below for that.
improve the stress, focus on getting more sleep, go for long walks and whatever is triggering this trying to minimize the damage control and you would find out that your inflammation would drop very fast.
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