case_managerكيف يتم الاستعداد لعمليات الجراحة التجميلية؟‌

إرشادات ما قبل الجراحة

لتقليل النزيف والكدمات ، تجنب استخدام مسكنات الألم.‌‌

توقف عن التدخين ، أو قلل منه قدر المستطاع قبل الجراحة.كلما طال وقت الشفاء ، كانت الندبة أكثر وضوحًا.لأن‌‌
النيكوتين يبطئ الشفاء ، فإنه يؤدي إلى زيادة تكوين الندبات.‌‌كقاعدة عامة ، يميل المدخنون إلى أن يكون لديهم ندبات‌‌
أكثر وضوحًا بعد الجراحة التجميلية.يرجى ملاحظة أنني لن أقوم عمومًا بإجراء إجراءات الوجه للمدخنين بسبب‌‌
زيادة خطر حدوث ندبات.‌
اتبع نظامًا غذائيًا صحيًا للحصول على جسمك في الشكل الأمثل لإجراء الجراحة.‌
التوقف عن تناول أي مكملات أو أدوية المعالجة الطبيعية قبل أسبوعين من الجراحة.في الليلة السابقة للجراحة‌‌
وصباحها ، استحم واغسل جيدًا بالصابون العادي.‌
لا تأكل أي شيء بعد منتصف الليل في الليلة السابقة للجراحة.‌
تأكد من وجود شخص بالغ مسؤول متاح لاصطحابك بعد الجراحة ويمكنه البقاء معك لمدة ‌‌24‌‌ ساعة مع زوال تأثير‌‌
إذا كنت ستخضع لعملية جراحية للثدي ، فتأكد من إحضار ملابس مريحة لا يتعين عليك سحبها فوق رأسك

You can consult with your local doctor. Our team can arrange for a tele/video call with our  experts and your local doctors on a time and date convenient to all of you.

Also a full medical report , with all medical details and protocols will be with you.

It is generally advisable to stay back for 8-10 days post discharge, however the final call will be taken by the treating doctor.

During the treatment, person accompanying can stay with patient in hospital room with patient (except in case of ICU). If required, The Circle Care will help you talk to local vendors to arrange a temporary guest rooms / dormitories / service apartment or all-type-star hotel accommodation depending upon your budget. Usual experience is, when a localité is involved in the commercial discussion, the people will not take you on a ride. We want your experience in Egypt pleasant and we will ensure that you are comfortable during an entire stay.

If you are not satisfied, we will arrange a second opinion, free of cost 

You may share your medical reports either on our website or by emailing us on OR  via WhatsApp on +20-1128821002

You would require to carry the following documents

  • Original passport,
  • 5 passport sized photographs of the patient and attendant
  • Previous medical report

All foreigners must get PCR vaccinated prior to applying for the Visa and must produce genuine & valid one at the Visa Counter at the Egyptian  airport or check-post of entry.

Don’t worry, The Circle Care will courier you the prescribed medicines on actual cost.

We thrive on providing affordable and excellent medical services. We have chosen our affiliation on the basis of below mentioned criteria.

  • State of art infrastructure
  • Use of latest technology
  • Well experienced health care provider
  • Latest pathology and diagnostic laboratory
  • Supportive cooperative staff, their education and experience, who can understand English and other languages.
  • Excellent hospitality
  • Back-up plans and facilities to counter emergency needs – electrical power back up, enough competitive staff, blood arrangement, ambulance, escorts facility
  • Hygienic and clean surroundings
  • Review of their international, domestic, clinical and service credentials.

We will be sharing the profile of the doctors beforehand so you are well versed with his degree and experience in that particular field. However, all of the physicians/ surgeons we deal with are highly trained & have corresponding international medical qualifications. Many are trained in the UK, USA and other western countries and have specialized in their area of expertise, thereby offering you top notch care and treatment.